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Showing posts from June, 2017

What's On My iPhone?

Hi Loves! I used to watch "What's on my iPhone?" videos all the time on YouTube, but I'm not a YouTuber (at least not yet)... I'm a blogger. So I thought it would be interesting to share all the apps, tools and secret little gadgets on my phone. So here we are. First, I thought it would be necessary to mention I have a rose gold iPhone 7. Just in case someone was wondering. Idk. Alright here is my lock screen. Yes, I am aware it is kind of corny. Do I care? Nada   Once you unlock my phone, there's the typical Apple apps. Every Apple device I've owned I've always kept the first page untouched, I just find it necessary. If any of these accidently move (We've all done it), I google pictures of iPhone openings to move them back to their original places. Also notice 9 mes in the background. #SelfLoveIsTheBestLove #IDCIDC #AintNoBfBaby ok ,I'm done. I also find it funny how I have more messages than emails, for mo

Intro- About Mya, From IG

Welcome To Mya's Blog An online forum where ideas are proposed, opinions are heard, news is reported and tricks are reveled. MyaFromTheBlog is a girl's pass to every hall they need to walk through. From basic etiquette and hygiene tricks, news, educational hacks & opportunities to beauty, cooking,  health and fitness, to décor and self-improvement. This is basically for girl talk 101. Plus, it's the best way to keep me from spamming my Instagram followers. Win, Win. About Me My name is Samya or Mya, from ig (I love little puns) and I'm 15. I have ran 3 businesses and am now in between ideas. All of that's not really important. Anyways, I used this picture because it basically describes all I do. I , like most teens my age, have a serious addiction to my phone. Being the opinionated person I am, I have many things I'd like to say with an audience to hear and interact with. Thus this blog was created for others to hear my thoughts, it was either thi