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Showing posts from February, 2018

How To: Let Go & Let God || Getting Back W/O Getting Back

Alright, so I've been trying to find ways to input more life lessons on here, but not all that practical stuff. I'm going to tell y'all some stuff y'all really need to hear that apparently your mom or bestfriend seem to have not put through your ears. Ok so this isn't technically one of my typical steps or tip posts, but this one is going to be more towards suggestions rather than directions.   Ok so first of all, this is till the beginning of the year and you still have time to claim this year as yours. So lets think real quick. Is there anything on your mind or anyone you have been stressed out about?   Whatever came to mind first is one of the first things you need to let go of. Before you fully let go of something/someone, you need to identify or figure out what it is you're actually letting go of. For instance, you could say you're holding on to an unworthy boyfriend/girlfriend, but are you actually letting go of the toxic relationship, spec

Dressing Up A Uniform 101 - Tips, Tricks & Keys

Hey , ok so... I am completely aware I have not posted in a while , but what can I say? I’ve been busy, #sorry . Plus, I've have a really hard time trying to find topics to write about.  On a more related note, I’m just going to do a quick post because I know you all have missed my tips and guide to life . ( I missed them too, because I sure have been ignoring my own advice.) Any who, so I’m going to explain HOW TO DRESS UP A UNIFORM. I am a PRO at this here, Ive been doing this since elementary, so I doessss this. (Here you can take these very experienced tips from me without possibly ruining your life , so keep reading, good stuff ahead !) However , these may not work depending on how strict your uniform is... #sorry again .  Ok so, let me buss out the tips.   1. Understand that the uniform is just the base, not the complete outfit .  Ok look, if you were a uniform , usually it’s only the base. This means you just have to have on that mandatory polo sh