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How To: Let Go & Let God || Getting Back W/O Getting Back

Alright, so I've been trying to find ways to input more life lessons on here, but not all that practical stuff. I'm going to tell y'all some stuff y'all really need to hear that apparently your mom or bestfriend seem to have not put through your ears. Ok so this isn't technically one of my typical steps or tip posts, but this one is going to be more towards suggestions rather than directions.
Ok so first of all, this is till the beginning of the year and you still have time to claim this year as yours. So lets think real quick. Is there anything on your mind or anyone you have been stressed out about?
Whatever came to mind first is one of the first things you need to let go of. Before you fully let go of something/someone, you need to identify or figure out what it is you're actually letting go of. For instance, you could say you're holding on to an unworthy boyfriend/girlfriend, but are you actually letting go of the toxic relationship, specific situation, certain circumstance, or what! Before you can really let go you have to understand in your own head what you are actually letting go of and why or you'll never settle for complete separation.
You must also learn to distance and subtract yourself when you first witness problems. People ask me all the time how I'm so good at cutting people off without running back to them. It's simply because I have learned to prepare my mind in situations like this before they actually happen. You have to train yourself how to be without someone/something before you actually just jump off the rim. This helps you avoid starting a trend of running back.
Understanding that you will live is extremely beneficial. I've mentioned this in previous blogs and I stress it so much that it has practically become a life motto. Other than God, you will live without anybody and people seem to forget this. I'm not saying go completely savage and cut off all your good friends or soul mate, but if you feel like a relationship is toxic, it is completely okay to remove yourself from the situation. You can learn to live perfectly fine without something/someone just as you were living before you met them.
Another key is to keep a strong relationship with God. Yes, I am serious when I say them prayers work! Ask God to take away any negative energy from your life and help to regenerate with nothing but positive energy and surroundings. Pray to help heal wounds anyone/anything has given you and ask for help to learn to move on and let go of situations. You literally have to learn to LET GO & LET GOD handle situations out of hand. It's the best thing to do. Let him handle any negativity and pray it is replaced. This is the best thing in any toxic situations.
Thanks for reading this far! If enjoyed this post be sure to leave positive comments and follow me on my other social medias & be sure to check out my latest YouTube video.
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