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2018- Why I Think I Started Wrong (An Update).

So listen, avoid what I did at any cost necessary. Looking back at my previous blog posts from earlier in the year, I was most definitely more determined and more productive. At this point I don’t know if it’s just the end of the semester or if I'm really just being lazy. I do know one thing for sure, school is kicking my A$#. Then again I'm sure I'm not the only one, so I shouldn’t be complaining right.

So now that you all are caught up (sorta), we can get into more relevant, interesting topics. As of now it is only April. If you are anything like me and have gotten side tracked and lazy along the way , it is always time to get up and recover . Everything depends on you , just remember every set back has a comeback and all pain doesn’t last forever , I promise ❤️.

Now this blog wouldn’t be a blog if I didn’t throw my usual tips in every post, so I’m not going to get too detailed, but these are ways to avoid the mistakes I think I’ve made this year and also just some words of kindness and motivation, because ... why not ?

GIRLS (Or Boys Because You Are Welcomed Also)

1. Let Go & Let God . 

I’ve already done a whole post on this and I can’t express it enough, read it for deeper info and more explicit  tips .

2. Sometimes the Monster Has to be Unleashed

I’m not saying treat anyone bad, but anyone who feels as if they can treat you and kind of way should face consequences.

3. We Have a Whole Lifetime to Fall in Love

Be patience sis, that’s all I can say. Don’t settle for less.

4. Stop Forcing 💩

Put fourth the same effort you receive. If anyone or anything isn’t as genuine as you or your intentions, separation may be necessary. Don’t set yourself up for something like that bby, you’re better than that.

5. Try Community Service

This may be off topic, but I feel like helping others is a great and positive way to get your mind off of your troubles. Plus, your putting positive vibes back into the universe.

6. Don’t Take Your Focus Off Your Goals

Yeah, this was my main problem so far this year. Now look at me , BEHIND because of unnecessary stuff not pertaining my goals at all .

7. Keep a Notebook

Writing down everything you want to do , accomplish or remember is always a good way to make sure it gets done because trying to remember it all may not go so well. I’ve missed out on multiple opportunities already this year thinking I’d remember without writing down deadlines,  necessities, etc .

8. Love Yourself & You Got It

My most important rule period, understand whatever bringing you down is only temporary & focus on the big picture. Don’t blame or look at yourself differently for anything .

Thanks for reading this far! If enjoyed this post be sure to leave positive comments and follow me on my other social medias & be sure to check out my latest YouTube video.
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Twitter- @1m_mya
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YouTube - MyaFromYouTube
Latest Video - Tuskegee University Open House 2018 ❤️💛 || Possibility Considering A HBCU?!


  1. These eight tips comprise an excellent plan, and should result in you (and most people who follow these tips) really getting and keeping it together well. I like your tips. Best wishes going forward!


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