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How to Have a Productive & Positive Year- A Guide To Mastering 2018

HEEEY GUYS, This is my first post of 2018 so I've decided to write something related to the new years and goal/resolution setting and what not. So here I have you, a guide on how to stay productive and positive this year.

First, one may ask why is it important to be productive? (I'm assuming the positivity part was already common sense to everybody... hopefully) From experience, I can say tuning out negativity and unnecessary drama becomes quite easy when you're busy bettering yourself or working towards your goals. Keeping yourself productive always makes neglecting bs simpler. (A valuable life tip there, you're welcome <3).

ALRIGGGGHT, let's speak (or type, whichever is best for you) some stuff into existence.

This year we will be selfish with our time. If you spent time running around or chasing people who never bothered to check on you, stop it. This is the year to stop. If you wasted time on ungrateful people in 2017, STOP, stop it now. We will focus on spending time bettering ourselves this year. OK? Ok

We will stop putting things past people. This year, even if you didn't learn this lesson last year, I am here to tell you, ANYBODY is capable of anything. Stop putting trust into these people who owe you no loyalty. It will leave you nowhere but shocked & hurt. Avoid these avoidable setbacks, keep your eyes open sis.

We will focus on our hygiene. I believe this is a great way to stay productive. Focusing on personal hygiene like improving your hair, skin, nails, etc. takes a lot of work and can keep you busy with something other than negativity. Plus, It's a win win situation.

We will WORK ON BETTERING OURSELVES for US, not society's POV. I feel like I've said this so much already, but I can't stress how important this is. A good way to start is by making a list of things you want to improve on and making a list of steps on how you can improve it. For example, one of my friends was unhappy with some of the weight she picked up, so she decided to make a schedule of weekly gym visits and designed a healthy diet for herself. 
(Disclaimer- I am definitely not saying write down negative things about yourself or feel ashamed of any of your flaws, you are perfect, Don't be ashamed or unconfident about anything.)

We will further our education simply because we can. "They are afraid of educated women. They are afraid of the power of knowledge."- Malala Yousafzai

We will save money, those Fashionova jeans can wait, we building bank accounts this year dawg .

We will work towards our goals, ALL 2018!!! This is a new year to write down what you want to accomplish and tackle it, this year belongs to us ❤️!!!


  1. Love this! So ready for what 2018 has to bring! ��


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