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Give 100% Under 18- A How To

Under 18, we are expected to go to school 7-8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 10 months a year for 13 years. Not only are we expected to excel in school, but we are expected to maintain stable relationships, a healthy mentality and a positive mind. Yes, this can be a challenge, so i created a few tips for teens looking to handle such task.
  1. Organization is key. Simply being organized can prevent several headaches and missing assignment grades.
  2. Actually interacting in class helps. Throughout my years in school, I’ve come to the conclusion paying attention in class can greaten my chances of not having to study outside of the class.
  3. Develop the right relationships. This is important in any situation, toxic relationships with peers or even teachers can stress you out and cause drama. Avoid any of these non beneficial relationships with anybody.
  4. STOP PROCRASTINATING! Actually if you learn to overcome procrastination, you’re in the green.
  5. Don’t let social media get to your head. Even if you’re not being cyberbullied or anything, too much social media can be really drowning. Be sure to take breaks and enjoy the life you’re living.
  6. Understand studying doesn’t have to be boring anymore. We’re in the 21st century. Technology allows us to make learning and practicing material a little more fun than just reading over notes. History quiz? Netflix has the documentary…
  7. Focus… In school it can be very hard to remain focused on the real goal… you’re education. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  8. Be happy with yourself. Learn to love and be comfortable with yourself before ever trying to find validation with other people. Growing as a person is always most important!


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